Norcat and AMI to train skilled workers for Torex Gold’s underground mining project

In a move to revamp its mining operations, Torex Gold’s Mexican subsidiary Minera Media Luna has partnered with industry leaders Norcat and AMI to launch a comprehensive training initiative. […]
Training at Norcat’s underground mine facility in Sudbury, Ont. The company has teamed with AMI to help train workers for underground work for Torex Gold. Credit: Norcat






In a move to revamp its mining operations, Torex Gold’s Mexican subsidiary Minera Media Luna has partnered with industry leaders Norcat and AMI to launch a comprehensive training initiative. The collaboration aims to equip the workforce with the necessary skills and expertise for Torex Gold's transition from surface mining to underground operations at the Media Luna copper-gold project.

Norcat and AMI will develop and deliver training programs that will prepare new and current Torex employees for the future demands of underground operations.

Torex must recruit and train a diverse workforce spanning various essential roles in underground operations. These roles include driller assistants, construction miners, and jumbo operators, among others. Norcat and AMI are collaboratively crafting a robust curriculum that outlines the training prerequisites, objectives, timelines, and resources required to ensure that incoming workers acquire the indispensable skills and knowledge vital for their respective roles.

The partnership between Norcat and AMI aligns with Torex’s objectives. Norcat, acknowledged for its excellence in curriculum development and training strategy, complements AMI's hands-on training expertise and comprehension of the Latin American mining sector. The partnership is poised to address the challenges of the Media Luna mine, while nurturing an adept and innovative operational workforce.

Trina Hayden, Norcat's chief advisory officer, said that “The partnership between Norcat and AMI exemplifies the importance of working together across borders to drive meaningful and sustainable impact within the mining industry."

AMI and Norcat will collaborate on the design, development, and delivery of 16 specialized courses. These courses comprise two introductory programs laying a strong foundation of knowledge, followed by 14 role-specific courses catering to diverse organizational positions. From bolter operators to battery electric scoop operators, each course will concentrate on cultivating the essential skills and aptitudes required for exceptional performance.

To provide an immersive and innovative learning experience, in alignment with Torex Gold's commitment to industry innovation and transformation, Norcat and AMI will adopt a hybrid/blended learning approach. This approach combines classroom instruction, instructor-led segments, equipment simulation, and practical hands-on training. Such a dynamic approach ensures that workers not only acquire requisite skills and knowledge but also gain practical exposure to the latest technologies adopted Media Luna.

The training program is set to begin in August. AMI and Norcat aim to have approximately 231 workers successfully complete their training by December 2025.

“By working together, AMI and Norcat bring complementary strengths to the table, enabling us to develop innovative solutions that address the challenges faced by the global mining industry, starting with Torex Gold,” said Víctor Hidalgo Araya, CEO and training and development manager at AMI.

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